Case Studies

NERAK – Conveyer Drying

Nerak wanted to dry their bucket dry conveyers more quickly and reliably than natural drying, to prevent bacteria growth and keep production running.

NERAK – Conveyer Drying

The Challenge

Nerak is a leading manufacturer of advanced bucket conveying systems for use in the food industry. In order to prevent contamination and build of bacteria on food products the bucket conveyors must be washed and dried after every production run.

The drying of the conveyors was traditionally left to evaporation which can take a number of hours, thus halting the production for extended periods.

The Solution

Secomak provided an air knife system utilising the 492/3 4kW high velocity fan and two 400mm aluminium air knives. The air knives are mounted above the conveyor and angled in a way to effectively disperse water from the buckets.

The solution ensures that the whole cleaning and drying process can be completed in a short time, significantly reducing changeover times between production runs and keeping.

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